Due to the lack of participation from the older scouts in organizing the trip and the overall lack of attendance at the meetings and the other scouting events the Summer Trip has been revised. We are going to Thomas Hill Lake June 22-25. This will be a fun filled campout with swimming, boating, tubing, skiing, fishing, games, good food and fun. However, there is a catch to This trip you MUST have perfect attendance to all scout functions (meetings, campouts, etc.) and you MUST wear your uniform to each meeting. If you do not have a uniform see one of the adult leaders. You may be excused from a meeting with a GOOD reason by contacting your patrol leader PRIOR to that meeting. If you miss a meeting and it is unexcused it can be made up. The make-up is 1 1/2 hours (the length of our meetings) of community service which must preaproved by an adult leader and completed prior to the campout. Our purpose for these is not to punish but to reward the scouts who come to every meeting prepared to learn and participate. Each scout has been mailed a copy of This calendar so these will start at the April 4th meeting.
We are getting closer to owning a new scout trailer thanks to those of you who have been selling candy bars. We only have 8 boxes left to sell. Some scouts have sold up to 4 boxes and some are still working on their first box. For those of you who are still on their first box it is time to do your part in helping the troop so make it your goal to finish that box by the next meeting. Keep up the good work.
Posted by troop41brkfld
at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Sat 04/15/2006 8:39 AM CDT